Up to 27% off Clove Technology Sale items
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 43% off Budget Smartphones at Clove Technology
- Supports Blue Cross
43% off Clove Technology Motorola Moto G53 (5G)
- Supports Blue Cross
26% off Clove Technology Samsung Galaxy XCover 5
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 27% off Selected Clove Technology Pre-Owned Devices
- Supports Blue Cross
£5 off orders over £200 with Clove Technology's Newsletter Sign Up
- Supports Blue Cross
Clove Technology Laptops from £11.87
- Supports Blue Cross
Clove Technology Smartphones from £16.99
- Supports Blue Cross
Flagship Smartphones from £585.99 at Clove Technology
- Supports Blue Cross
UK Delivery from £4.99 at Clove Technology
- Supports Blue Cross
0% Interest PayPal Credit on orders over £99 at Clove Technology
- Supports Blue Cross
Popular Clove Technology Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
Up to 27% off Clove Technology Sale items | 9 Dec, 2024 | Used 60 Times |
Up to 43% off Budget Smartphones at Clove Technology | 9 Dec, 2024 | Used 25 Times |
Up to 27% off Selected Clove Technology Pre-Owned Devices | 9 Dec, 2024 | Used 3 Times |
£5 off orders over £200 with Clove Technology's Newsletter Sign Up | 9 Dec, 2024 | Used 9 Times |
0% Interest PayPal Credit on orders over £99 at Clove Technology | 9 Dec, 2024 | Used 6 Times |
Clove Technology FAQs
ᐅ Does Clove Technology have a student discount?
No, Clove Technology does not currently have a dedicated discount option just for students. However, students can still save at Clove Technology with 11 active offers from Savoo. Alongside these offers, there are also great discounts to be found on pre-loved devices, and in the sale: check these out on the Clove site.
ᐅ Can I get free delivery on my Clove Technology order?
Yes, free delivery is available on all orders totalling over £300. If you know you'll be back soon to make another purchase, why not combine orders to make sure you can score those delivery savings?
ᐅ How much will Clove Technology pay for my old device trade-in?
Clove Technology does have a recycling scheme that pays for your old devices. The amount paid will depend on your device, the model and its condition. Have a look at the list of devices on the Clove website under "Smartphone Recycling" to get a better idea on just how much you could get when you choose to trade in your old phone.
ᐅ How much can I save by buying a pre-owned phone from Clove Technology?
It seems as though the sort of discount you can expect on your pre-loved smartphone at Clove is around 78% off the original retail value. Want to save even more? At Savoo we often have Clove discount codes worth an additional discount off pre-loved devices. Don't forget to check if one of these is active when you place your order!
How to Save Money at Clove Technology
If you're a tech fanatic then you've come to the right place. Find all the best ways to save at Clove Technology right here, whether you're in the market for a new phone, laptop, tablet or gaming equipment.
Discounts when you buy multiple
Save money when you bundle up on your tech. Whether you're buying phones for the family or upgrading the team's work devices, be sure to put them through on the same order to make sure your bundle discount is applied. For example, purchase between 5-9 Apple iPhones at Clove Technology to get a 1% discount overall, 10-19 will get you 1.5% off, and between 20-49 phones will save you 2% on your order overall.
Free tech tips
Check out the blog page for free articles, hints, and tips about all things techy. Learn about new gaming consoles, find out about app management, or get access to reviews of that must-have phone – and the best part is it’s all for free!
Buy Now, Pay Later
Spread the cost of your order when you choose to pay with Duologi or PayPal Credit. Find a finance option that suits you – and your bank balance. Pay in instalments designed to make affording your new tech that bit easier. Simply select Duologi or PayPal Credit at the checkout and they’ll take it from there! A fantastic way to split up your payment and save some money.
How do I redeem a Clove Technology discount code?
- Find the discount code or deal that works best for you right here at Savoo
- Click ‘Get Deal’ and ‘Continue to Clove Technology’ to be redirected to their website
- Add the all the top tech you need to your basket and click ‘View Basket’ once you’ve finished shopping
- Review your order and check the deal has been automatically applied
- On the order summary, paste the Clove Technology discount code into the discount code box and hit apply
- Scroll down to ‘Payment Options’ and complete your order