20% off Selected orders at SteelSeries
- Includes Sale
- Supports Blue Cross
Exclusive 15% off orders at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
15% off Selected orders at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 50% off SteelSeries Sale Items
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 50% off SteelSeries Deals at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
12% off Selected orders at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
10% off orders at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
5% off SteelSeries Selected orders
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 50% off Gaming Mice at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 20% off Bundles at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 50% off SteelSeries Spring Sale Items
- Supports Blue Cross
10% off orders with SteelSeries' Newsletter Sign Up
- Supports Blue Cross
Gaming Keyboards from £35.99 at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
Micro-Woven Cloth Mousepads from £8.99 at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
15% off SteelSeries Student Discount at
- Supports Blue Cross
Free 30-Days Return at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
Free Delivery on orders over £39.01 at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
Bags & Cases from £12.99 at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
Buy Now, Pay Later with PayPal at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
Gaming Mousepad from £8.99 at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
Gaming Accessories from £2.79 at SteelSeries
- Supports Blue Cross
Popular SteelSeries Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
20% off Selected orders at SteelSeries | 18 Dec, 2024 | Used 1,042 Times |
Exclusive 15% off orders at SteelSeries | 18 Dec, 2024 | Used 146 Times |
15% off Selected orders at SteelSeries | 18 Dec, 2024 | Used 89 Times |
Up to 50% off SteelSeries Deals at SteelSeries | 18 Dec, 2024 | Used 24 Times |
10% off orders with SteelSeries' Newsletter Sign Up | 18 Dec, 2024 | Used 17 Times |
SteelSeries FAQs
ᐅ How do I get a SteelSeries discount code?
Use a SteelSeries discount code from Savoo to help you save big on your tech purchases. You’ll find plenty of SteelSeries voucher codes, free delivery deals and free gift promotions that you can use to get a better deal.
SteelSeries release promo codes on a regular basis, so we should have exactly the tech discount you’re looking for.
ᐅ Is there a SteelSeries student discount?
Yes! SteelSeries has partnered with Student Beans, so all students can get a 15% student discount.
ᐅ Does SteelSeries offer free delivery?
Lucky for you, all orders over £49.99 are eligible for free standard shipping.
ᐅ What does my SteelSeries warranty cover?
Your SteelSeries warranty currently only covers manufacturing issues. General wear and tear including breakage, water damage etc is not covered by the 2 year warranty.
ᐅ Are there SteelSeries Black Friday deals?
It's highly likely that SteelSeries Black Friday deals will be available again this year. Highlights from previous years include savings of up to 50% off, so expect to see similar in 2024.
How to Save Money at SteelSeries
SteelSeries innovates cutting-edge technology specifically to improve gaming performance. Did you know: pro players have won more prize money using SteelSeries than with any other brand? So there's the proof that if you're a gaming fanatic - SteelSeries is the shop for you. Savoo has found some great ways for you to save on your next order.
Game giveaways
Enjoy time-limited giveaways throughout the year from SteelSeries. Access 100% free games and booster packs to change and upgrade your gaming experience. Just head over to their Game Giveaways section and scroll through all the free offers you can benefit from right now. Follow SteelSeries on social media to be kept up to date with all the latest giveaways, so you’re always in with a chance of winning!
Check out the SteelSeries outlet
Choose from a wide range of popular SteelSeries products at discounted prices on the sales page. Browse through their wide collection of keyboards, gaming mice, mouse mats and other specialty gaming merchandise at massively discounted prices. All sales products still come with a free two-year warranty, too, Discounts of up to 60% off are not uncommon!
Top-of-page promotions
Enjoy a range of SteelSeries promotional events throughout the year, and the great news is that they are usually conveniently located at the top of the homepage. You’ll see a countdown at the top of the page showing how much time you have left to claim the deal. Don’t miss out on these amazing, time-limited offers! Improve your game when you’re gaming, for a fraction of the usual cost!
NHS and Military discount
There is a 20% discount available for the military, veterans and NHS staff. You will need to provide evidence of your profession before SteelSeries will provide you with a discount, but if you're eligible it's certainly worth putting in a bit of effort to ensure you get the saving you deserve.
How do I use my SteelSeries discount code?
- Take a look at Savoo and find the SteelSeries discount code you want to claim.
- Click on the deal and copy the code if applicable.
- Head to the SteelSeries website which has opened in a separate tab.
- Choose the items you want to purchase and add them to your basket.
- Click 'Checkout' when you're finished shopping.
- Add the code you copied to the box called 'Promo Code'
- Complete your order.