Up to £900 off Music Magpie Refurbished iMac and MacBook
- Supports Blue Cross
10% off orders at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
10% NHS and Emergency Services Discount at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to £30 Cashback When You Trade-In at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
Free Delivery at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to £440 off Offers at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 50% off Refurbished Smartwatches at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
10% off Next order When You Refer a Friend at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 50% off all Refurbished Tablets at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
10% off Music Magpie Student Discount
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to £100 off all Refurbished Phones at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
10% off Pre-Owned CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, Games and Books for Students at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to £30 off all Refurbished Consoles at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
Buy 1, Get 1 Free on Pre-Owned Music, Film, and TV at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
14 Day Money Back Guarantee at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
Free 12-Month Warranty at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
2 for £3 Pre-Owned CDs, DVD and Blu-rays at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
Win a £50 Voucher with Music Magpie's Email Sign Up
- Supports Blue Cross
4 for £8 Music Magpie Pre-Owned Games
- Supports Blue Cross
Free 12-Month Warranty, Case and Screen Protector on Rental Devices at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
2 for £3 Pre-Owned Games at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
2 for £5 Pre-Owned Books at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
4 for £5 Pre-Owned Games at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
5 for £10 Pre-Owned Books at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
2 for £5 Pre-Owned Music, Film and TV at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
2 for £10 Selected Pre-Owned Games at Music Magpie
- Supports Blue Cross
Popular Music Magpie Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
10% off orders at Music Magpie | 13 Dec, 2024 | Used 399 Times |
Up to £900 off Music Magpie Refurbished iMac and MacBook | 13 Dec, 2024 | Used 4 Times |
10% NHS and Emergency Services Discount at Music Magpie | 13 Dec, 2024 | Used 224 Times |
Up to £30 Cashback When You Trade-In at Music Magpie | 13 Dec, 2024 | Used 146 Times |
Free Delivery at Music Magpie | 13 Dec, 2024 | Used 87 Times |
Music Magpie FAQs
ᐅ Where can I find the best Music Magpie discount codes?
Right here at Savoo! Bookmark this page and check back with us before you make your next online order to find the latest Music Magpie discount codes. We currently have 26 active deals verified for December.
Users save an average £61.88 when using a Savoo code for Music Magpie so don't miss out on a deal of your own!
ᐅ Is there a Music Magpie student discount?
Yes - all students can unlock 10% off every Music Magpie order they make with a valid student ID.
ᐅ Does Music Magpie offer free delivery?
Yes - get free delivery on all orders no matter how much you spend. Couple this with the rock-bottom prices to double your film or book collection for a fabulously affordable price.
ᐅ Does MusicMagpie ever run competitions?
Yes - there are often competitions and giveaways with amazing prizes to celebrate recent film and game launches. Follow the Facebook and Twitter pages to find out about any upcoming competitions. Previous prizes have included a brand new iPhone XS so you certainly don’t want to miss out.
ᐅ What’s the MusicMagpie Quality Guarantee?
All used items available to purchase are promised to be in perfect playing condition thanks to the Quality Guarantee. Any products that don’t meet this guarantee will be fully refunded or exchanged.
How to save money at Music Magpie
For the latest music, games, films and tech at great value for money, look no further than Music Magpie. Discover old classics you’d forgotten about and new releases hot off the big screen at bargain prices. Just because the prices are already low, it doesn’t mean there aren’t extra savings to be made. Check out these money-saving tips to get even further price reductions on your DVDs, Blu-Rays, CDs, books and electronics.
Rent a phone from Music Magpie
If you don't need a new phone for life, why not take out a device rental from Music Magpie? Starting as affordably as £8.99 per month, choose your device from the phones, laptops, smart watches and gaming consoles, and your device will be delivered to you for free. Rental lasts for twelve months, at the end of which time you can upgrade for free, or renew for a fabulous 10% discount on your device.
Don’t miss the great deals on the offers page
Check out the Music Magpie offers page discover a wealth of cheap tech, low priced laptops and great value games consoles from trusted brands. Click through to the offers page to see every current promotions in one place. From percentage discounts on fitness watches to huge price cuts on pre-owned entertainment, you’ll certainly find great deals that’ll leave you with a smile on your face.
Discover multi-buy offers
Make huge savings with the tonnes of multi-buy offers at Music Magpie. With prices so low on hundreds of genres you’ll find it hard to resist. Whether you love Disney classics like The Lion King or action films like Iron Man, find your favourites and discover new titles at a price you’ll love. With offers like 2 for £2 on DVDs it’s never been more affordable to keep your game and film collection in check. Plus, when you search for an item in the search bar, the coloured sticker will tell you if it’s on offer. This way, you can get your hands on even more awesome titles at better value for money.
Get free 12-month warranty on all refurbished tech
Every tech item bought from Music Magpie comes with one year of free warranty, giving you extra peace of mind should anything go wrong. Laptops, tablets, fitness watches, smartphones, iPods and headphones are all covered for technical defaults and improper workmanship faults.
If you do need to send your device in for repair, it won’t cost you a penny and you’ll get it back within two to three working days. If the problem isn’t covered by warranty your item will be returned to you at no cost.
How do I use my Music Magpie discount code?
Find a discount code from Savoo before you shop
Click on the deal to get access to the code
Copy the copy by clicking ‘copy’ and follow the link to the Music Magpie website
Add items to your basket as you shop
Go to your basket when you want to pay. Here is where you can add any extras like insurance or accessories
Find the ‘enter discount code’ box and paste in the code
Click apply to see the discount added to your basket total
Click checkout securely to finish the transaction
If you’re using an offer that doesn’t have a code, click through the offer to the Music Magpie website. The discount will be applied to your basket when you reach the order summary.