3% off Bookings at Theatre Tickets Direct
- Supports Blue Cross
3% off orders at Theatre Tickets Direct
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 60% off Theatre Tickets Direct Special Offers
- Supports Blue Cross
London Play Tickets from £6 at Theatre Tickets Direct
- Supports Blue Cross
No Booking Fee on Selected Items at Theatre Tickets Direct
- Supports Blue Cross
Over 55% off London Musical Tickets at Theatre Tickets Direct
- Supports Blue Cross
Gift Voucher from £25 at Theatre Tickets Direct
- Supports Blue Cross
Group Bookings at Theatre Tickets Direct
- Supports Blue Cross
London Theatre Show plus Meal Packages from £46.10 at Theatre Tickets Direct
- Supports Blue Cross
Popular Theatre Tickets Direct Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
3% off Bookings at Theatre Tickets Direct | 20 Dec, 2024 | Used 169 Times |
3% off orders at Theatre Tickets Direct | 20 Dec, 2024 | Used 119 Times |
Up to 60% off Theatre Tickets Direct Special Offers | 20 Dec, 2024 | Used 18 Times |
Over 55% off London Musical Tickets at Theatre Tickets Direct | 20 Dec, 2024 | Used 1 Time |
London Play Tickets from £6 at Theatre Tickets Direct | 20 Dec, 2024 | Used 57 Times |
Theatre Tickets Direct FAQs
ᐅ Can I get a Theatre Tickets Direct discount code?
Of course! Find the latest Discount codes for Theatre Tickets Direct right here at Savoo. You’ll get percentage discounts, as well as top tips to help you save money when booking with Theatre Tickets Direct!
ᐅ What shows can I book via Theatre Tickets Direct?
Theatre Tickets Direct offer a huge variety of shows and performances including Grease, Heathers, & Juliet, Wicked, The Tiger Who Came To Tea, The Phantom of the Opera, Cabaret, Six, Pretty Woman and so much more!
ᐅ Will I get a refund from Theatre Tickets Direct if my show is cancelled?
You won’t receive a refund, but should a performance be cancelled you will be issued a credit note that can be used for any other booking, or you can simply change the date of the original show you had booked.
ᐅ How much does delivery cost from Theatre Tickets Direct?
Nothing! Most tickets from Theatre Tickets Direct are issued as an e-ticket so you never have to worry about delivery.
How to save money at Theatre Tickets Direct
Enjoy an amazing show, savour a delicious meal and make the most of London’s outstanding tourist attractions with Theatre Tickets Direct’s great value offers. Book an unforgettable weekend away or evening out on the town with dinner and a show, then head back to a top hotel with excellent all-inclusive packages. Save even more on your getaway by checking out Savoo’s handy money-saving tips.
Find the best price, special offers and seats with the interactive seating plan
Choose the show you want to see and find the best deals when choosing your seats. The colour-coded display shows you the cheapest prices as well as fantastic offers. Hover over the seats marked with stars to see how much you could save and what other deals are available. Plus this lets you choose your seats to make sure you’re getting the best view.
Have your whole trip taken care of with theatre break packages
Want to do something a bit different? Browse the theatre break packages to make your getaway perfect from start to finish. Theatre break packages include top hotel accommodation and great value theatre tickets, 2 for 1 dining discounts for delectable restaurants, entry into a free prize draw, a choice of vouchers for London attractions and a London map, so you’re sure to get your money’s worth. Find great offers on last minute bookings, bargain weekend breaks, hotel rooms at under £50 and much more.
Pick and choose what you want for your trip; maybe some fine Italian dining and a sightseeing bus tour? Or perhaps you’d prefer a trip to Buckingham Palace followed by some Indian cuisine? Whatever you’re looking for, find it at amazing value.When you’re booking your hotel, make sure you keep an eye out for added value offers to find complimentary freebies and bonus savings.
Do Theatre Tickets Direct sell gift vouchers?
Absolutely - give someone a gift they’ll love with a Theatre Tickets Direct gift voucher. Starting at just £25, give a unique and thoughtful gift without breaking the bank. Theatre Tickets Direct vouchers don’t expire for 24 months, which is twice as long as most other vendors, meaning there’s no rush for your loved one to book. Give them a gift they’ll remember for years to come on a budget.
How do I get in touch with Theatre Tickets Direct?
Check the FAQs page to find more information on booking, cancellations and more. Alternatively, email info@theatreticketsdirect.co.uk, call 020 3948 3948 or message them on social media to get in touch directly.
How do I use my Theatre Tickets Direct promo code?
- Choose an offer from Savoo.
- Click on the deal to reveal your voucher code.
- Copy your code and click the link to continue to the Theatre Tickets Direct website.
- Add items to your basket.
- Paste your code into the promotional code box and click ‘apply.’
- Complete your order.
- Check your email for your order confirmation.