Our values are:
All parents and carers have the right to be listened to and to have their views taken into account
Families of children with special/additional needs or a disability should have access to appropriate,
Main Aim
- To enhance the lives of each individual child and young person at Shine with or without additional needs or disability
Specific Aims:
- To offer social and learning experiences incorporating free flow and structured play that will enhance each child and young person’s development within a safe, fun and caring environment
Did you know...
Shine offer a fully inclusive early years nursery (Open to all), incorporated into this service is a local special schools reception class.
Shine facilitates fully supported outings for children and their families offering opportunities for all members to develop their social and life skills, building self-esteem and relationships with their peers.
What makes Shine East Norfolk
Through the provision of our children’s groups we lessen isolation, develop social interaction, boost self-esteem and guide the children in making positive choices
Shine believes in supporting and promoting equality and inclusion whilst enabling children to learn together.
Other ways to support
Becoming a trustee