How donations make an impact…
£5 provides bedding for a young person when they move into a hostel.
£20 buys food for a young person for a week.
£50 pays for breakfast for all young people in the hostel for one week.
You might be surprised to learn...
At Least 135,000 children will be homeless & living in temporary accommodation at Christmas. This is the highest number in 12 years!
The charity supports over 250 young people aged 16-25 & their families every day. Since it was founded over 15,000 people have been given much needed help and support.
In 2018 the charity provided 430 mediation sessions to 100 young people and their families last year, helping them to rebuild relationships and avoid experiencing homelessness.
Over 103,000 yong people are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the UK.
Important dates for the calendar
World Homelessness Day - 10th October
International Youth Day - 12th August
How to go the extra mile!
This is your chance to be creative or do something extra. The charity host ‘Sleep Outs’ annually which are safely held in a warehouse. It is not meant to replicate actual homelessness but it gives a small insight into the challenges faced by many vulnerable young people. Supporters get sponsored to embrace the cold night by swapping warm beds for a sleeping bag and a hard floor.
You can generally fundraise for the charity by organising a bucket collection, selling unwanted clothes or giving up coffee!