There is nothing natural or inevitable about the alarming rate at which we are losing wildlife. It is absolutely avoidable. That is why PTES exists.
Did you know...
In 2017 we will be 40! Since being founded they have become the leading charity for national programmes to save dormice, stag beetles and traditional orchards in the UK. They are also partners in Britain’s biggest campaign to save hedgehogs.
They own ancient woodland on the Isle of Wight which is home to red squirrels, dormice, bats and the ash black slug – Britain’s largest slug!
Overseas, PTES funds conservationists around the world working with numerous species, from tigers and turtles to slow lories and sloths.
PTES receives no government core funding and so rely on donations to support their fantastic work.
What makes PTES different
PTES is passionate about protecting vulnerable animals and habitats, but know that passion isn’t enough: successful conservation is based on sound scientific evidence.
For over 35 years their ground-breaking research has resulted in practical conservation action across the world, targeted where it is most needed and where it will have maximum impact. They focus on the less iconic species such as stag beetles, hedgehogs, dormice and bats. Species like these don’t attract the popular support or funding that the higher profile species do, but their decline is equally damaging.
Other ways to support
PTES carries out several national wildlife surveys each year to build a better picture of how our wild mammals, insects and habitats are faring. They can only do this with the support of the public who take time to monitor their gardens, orchards and woodlands and report sighting of wild animals they see when out and about.
Gardeners should be encouraged to take positive action in their own plots to help hedgehogs and stag beetles.
Ultimately, as well as financial support, they are always looking for volunteers to help in our plight to save endangered species.