PANDAS Foundation aims is to make sure no parent, family or carer feels alone. We offer free support services for every family, through our free helpline, email service, closed groups for both parents, group support and motivational media channels. If you want to discuss perinatal mental health there is no limit to how old your child may be.They believe nobody suffering any form of mental illness should feel they’re on their own.

How can your donations help?

£5 Helpline call for one service user to receive support via our helpline service

£15 for an email service per person per year to receive support via email

£25 to host weekly zoom calls for all parents, carers and networks offering advice, peer support and sharing experiences

Did you know...

Demand for the charities services is now 70% higher than pre-pandemic figures.

PANDAS helpline calls range from around 300 - 500 calls per month. During lockdown months they peaked at nearly 1000 calls per month.

Demand on PANDAS services has already increased by 30% since December and continues to rise month on month.

PANDAS new text service with Shout is already seeing an average of 267 texts per month, which is 6 times higher than predicted by partners Shout. The service has only been running since mid January


The Fort, Artillery Business Park, Park Hill,
SY11 4AD

Contact Number

0808 1961 776