NAWO is an alliance of organisations and institutions working to make gender equality a reality.  NAWO’s role is to ensure that women’s voices are heard nationally and internationally and that gender is mainstreamed throughout all government policies

Did you know...

NAWO was formed in 1989. Since 1999 NAWO have had Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council enabling us to have an active role in annual United Nations conferences such as The Commission on the Status of Women ( CSW). NAWO is also able to accredit members to attend UN conferences and Since 2005 has worked with over 300 under 25’s. In 2017 NAWO are accrediting over 30 16-25s year olds to attend United Nations international conferences in both New York and Geneva. NAWO has had over 100 members and organisations and continues to grow.

What makes NAWO different

NAWO ensures a European lens on all we do. We work with sister organisations in Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland and we ensure that a 4 Nations perspective is included in all our work. As an umbrella organisation with individual and organisational membership from across the UK - that also crosses the breadth of issues related to women and girls, we are unique.

In addition, we look to ensure knowledge and implementation of international legal instruments affecting women and girls in the UK.

Other ways to support

Become a member and share your events, expertise and passion for gender equality. Volunteer your time to help support NAWO in running events and core work of the organisation.   


89 Eastern Avenue
GL4 6P


Contact Number

020 7697 3468