Our mission is to provide free, innovative, long-term services that empower and support everyone experiencing a mental health problem in our local area. We won’t give up until everyone in Lambeth and Southwark experiencing a mental health problem gets both support and respect.

Did you know...

Although we’re affiliated to National Mind, we are an independent registered charity. This means that we raise all of our own funds to run our unique, free services.

We are one of the only providers of free, long term talking therapies in central London. Our Psychotherapy For All service includes general talking therapy for people experiencing moderate mental health difficulties such as anxiety and depression, and the Psychosis Therapy Project for people experiencing symptoms of more severe mental health conditions like psychosis.

What makes Lambeth & Southwark Mind different

Our work is driven by our understanding that mental illness is not simply a product of brain disease, as is asserted in biological psychiatry, but a range of conditions which are deeply entrenched in inequalities of class, race, gender and sexuality. As such, we believe that mental health treatments

need to be ethically tailored to the needs of each individual who seeks it, rather than being based on standardised, 'one-size-fits-all' methodology.

We draw on sociological thinking, service user experiences and psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytical thinking to offer unique, thoughtful and ethical responses to the needs of each individual who comes to us for help. We help our service users in this way to develop support systems within themselves and within their local communities.

Other ways to support

You can find out how to become a member of our organisation, tell us your story to be featured on our blogs page, or even register to volunteer with us by visiting our website!


4th Floor, 336 Brixton Road

Contact Number

020 7501 9203