12% off World of Roses orders - Limited Time Only!
- Supports Blue Cross
12% off orders at World of Roses
- Supports Blue Cross
12% off orders over £35 at World of Roses
- Supports Blue Cross
10% off orders at World of Roses
- Supports Blue Cross
16% off Roses for Special Person at World of Roses
- Supports Blue Cross
World of Roses Gifts from £5.99
- Supports Blue Cross
5% off First order with World of Roses Email Sign Up
- Supports Blue Cross
World of Roses Anniversary Roses from £24.99
- Supports Blue Cross
World of Roses Birthday Roses from £24.99
- Supports Blue Cross
World of Roses Memorial Roses from £19.99
- Supports Blue Cross
World of Roses Hessian Bag Gift Wrap for £5
- Supports Blue Cross
World of Roses Charity Roses from £19.99
- Supports Blue Cross
Roses from £19.99 at World of Roses
- Supports Blue Cross
Popular World of Roses Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
12% off orders over £35 at World of Roses | 12 Dec, 2024 | Used 46 Times |
12% off orders at World of Roses | 12 Dec, 2024 | Used 44 Times |
10% off orders at World of Roses | 12 Dec, 2024 | Used 42 Times |
12% off World of Roses orders - Limited Time Only! | 16 Dec, 2024 | Used 6 Times |
16% off Roses for Special Person at World of Roses | 12 Dec, 2024 |
World of Roses FAQs
ᐅ Can I get a World of Roses discount code?
You can explore all the latest World of Roses discount codes and deals right here at Savoo. Voucher codes for World of Rose are not available all of the time, but you can still secure fantastic discounts on your gift roses, unlock exclusive deals and more. Why not register for the official Bloom and Wild newsletter to get alerts as soon as new deals are active or follow the retailer on social media.
ᐅ Can I return my World of Roses order?
Yes, you can return your order within 7 days if it’s still in a resalable condition. Get in touch with the retailer via email or telephone to start the returns process. You should receive your refund within 30 days.
ᐅ Do World of Roses offer free delivery?
No, World of Roses does not offer free delivery on their orders. All standard orders will incur a single P&P charge of £6.99.
ᐅ Do World of Roses flowers come with care instructions?
On some product pages, you will find care instructions alongside information about growing conditions, descriptions and specifications. Head to the bottom menu to get access to playing advice, pruning tips and trips on caring for your roses.
ᐅ How are World of Roses flowers supplied?
When you buy roses with the rand, they are supplied as Garden Rose Plants, either bare rooted or potted into a 5L pot. They are not cut flowers but living plants which are suitable for planting either in pots, beds and borders or in the garden as a border. Their flowering state will depend on the time of year ordered. The roses are supplied trimmed back and ready for planting in the autumn/winter months so they can grow in Spring and throughout summer.
How to save money at World of Roses
Who doesn’t love roses? Send someone you love a treat or fill your home with gorgeous fresh roses with World of Roses. Whether it’s for a special occasion like an anniversary, Christmas or a birthday or just because, find the perfect bouquet of roses to send to their door at a price which will make you smile. We can help your money go even further with our money-saving tips and tricks.
Personalise a rose
When it comes to unique gift ideas, it's pretty hard to top a personalised rose! Simply choose your colour, add the name you like and add gift wrap to create a uniquely personal gift for someone special.
How to use a World of Roses discount code
- Find a voucher from Savoo to save a little extra on your order
- Unlock the code by clicking on the offer
- Copy the voucher code and continue to the World of Roses website
- Add bouquets and gifts to your basket
- View your basket when you are ready
- Paste your code into the promo code box on the right-hand side
- Click 'Apply'
- Click the 'Process To Checkout' button
- Sign in or sign up for an account with the retailer
- Checkout and enjoy the gift of stunning fresh flowers