5% off orders at Wish
1% off orders at Wish
Up to 60% off Wish Deals Hub
Up to 60% off Pet Accessories at Wish
Up to 45% off Watches at Wish
Up to 51% off Auto Accessories at Wish
Up to 27% off Gardening Tools and Decor at Wish
Standard Delivery for £2.99 at Wish
15% off your First order with Wish Email Sign up
Popular Wish Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
1% off orders at Wish | 17 Dec, 2024 | Used 427 Times |
5% off orders at Wish | 17 Dec, 2024 | Used 135 Times |
15% off your First order with Wish Email Sign up | 17 Dec, 2024 | Used 4 Times |
Up to 60% off Wish Deals Hub | 17 Dec, 2024 | Used 2 Times |
Up to 27% off Gardening Tools and Decor at Wish | 17 Dec, 2024 | Used 6 Times |
Wish FAQs
ᐅ How long will Wish promo codes last for?
The validity period of a Wish discount code is subject the change. Discount codes can vary from a few days to a few months. Always check back with Savoo to see the newest and best discount codes.
ᐅ Where do I find the best Wish promo codes?
Discover the latest and best Wish promo codes, offers, deals, and promotions right here on our dedicated vouchers page. Whether you are looking for the trendiest trainers, kids clothing or activewear, our deals can help your money go further. We frequently update this page so check back regularly.
ᐅ Can I return my item to Wish?
Yes, if you want to return your purchases to Wish, you can do so within 30 days of delivery. You are responsible for return shipping. You can expect to receive payment within 14 business days.
ᐅ Do I have to pay for shipping at Wish?
Shipping fees will vary from order to order. The shipping will depend on your location, the seller, the size and the weight of the order. Sellers on Wish don’t necessarily come from your country, so this could affect the final shipping costs.
Wish hauls do tend longer to deliver compared to other companies. However, express shipping is available for some products. Head to the Express tab on the Wish site to see which items are available to be quickly shipped.
How to Save Money at Wish
Whether you’re looking to switch up for style, redecorate your home or get the best in new tech, you’ll have the world of choice at Wish. Get the best value on your next Wish order with these money saving tips and tricks.
Refer your friends to earn Wish Cash
With prices as low as Wish why not spread the love? When you do your friends will get £4 to spend on their first order. That's not all, up to 7 days after their order is dispatched, you'll also get £4 Wish Cash to spend on your next order. Got loads of friends? Tell them all - you can get up to £80 per month with Wish's referral scheme.
Wish Plus
WishPlus is a fun feature of Wish where you can pay a monthly subscription fee to receive Wish Cash credit each month. All our Wish voucher codes can be used with Wish Cash, and any other offers open to WishPlus members. You’ll get $6 in Wish Cash a month. After signing up you will be billed $4.79/month to be a member of their monthly subscription plan.
Play Blitz Buy to unlock extra discounts
Wish really is shopping made more fun - spin the wheel daily to get even more savings. You then have ten minutes to check out before the extra savings expire. Play it now and see how many items you unlock.
Check out the 'Price Drops' tab to get extra discounts
Looking for bigger savings? Don't miss Price Drops. Located in the navigation on the left of the Wish website, you'll find a selection of extra discounts. Got a voucher code or Wish Cash? No problem, you use them on items in the Price Drops section.
Become a seller
Do you also have surplus inventory that is taking up space? Consider becoming a seller on Wish to make some extra money. More than one million merchants use Wish to directly sell their products to customers, eliminating distributor fees. Their most popular categories include inexpensive women’s clothing, jewellery, accessories, and consumer electronics.
See top products
Curious about which products are the most popular with other Wish sellers. Click on the Popular tab to shop Wish’s bestsellers. From the coolest clothing to the best in tech, there are plenty of options for everyone!
Download the App
Shopping on the go has never been easier with the Wish app, available on both the App Store and on Google Play. After downloading the app, you will find tons of new products, as well as the latest saving, sales and offers. Simply download the app, create an account, and you’re good to go.
How do I use my Wish promo code?
- Look through the latest deals to find one you want to use.
- Click get code to reveal the code.
- Copy it.
- Go to the Wish website.
- Go shipping and head to your basket when you have chosen the right products for you.
- Click your basket when you’re ready to pay.
- Paste your promo code into the voucher box and click apply.
- Your savings will be added to your order total.
- Proceed to checkout and complete your order.