20% Off

20% off Bioderma orders at Scentsational

  • Includes Sale
  • Supports Blue Cross
5% Off

5% off Selected orders at Scentsational

  • Includes Sale
  • Supports Blue Cross
50% Off

50% off JOJO Siwa Fragrance at Scentsational

  • Includes Sale
  • Supports Blue Cross
10% Off

Up to 10% off Gift Sets at Scentsational

  • Includes Sale
  • Supports Blue Cross
70% Off

Up to 70% off Scentsational Sale Items

  • Supports Blue Cross
62% Off

Up to 62% off Best Selling Items at Scentsational

  • Supports Blue Cross
5% Off

5% off orders with Scentsational's Email Sign Up

  • Supports Blue Cross
12% Off

12% off Scentsational Student Discount

  • Supports Blue Cross
Free Delivery

Free Next-Day Delivery on orders over £80 at Scentsational

  • Supports Blue Cross
Free Delivery

Free Delivery on orders over £20 at Scentsational

  • Supports Blue Cross
Top Tip

Buy Now, Pay Later with Klarna at Scentsational

  • Supports Blue Cross
Top Tip

30-Day Hassle-Free Returns at Scentsational

  • Supports Blue Cross

Popular Scentsational Discount Codes

Discount Last verified Redemptions
5% off Selected orders at Scentsational 20 Dec, 2024 Used 1,422 Times
50% off JOJO Siwa Fragrance at Scentsational 20 Dec, 2024 Used 213 Times
12% off Scentsational Student Discount 20 Dec, 2024 Used 7 Times
20% off Bioderma orders at Scentsational 20 Dec, 2024 Used 1,262 Times
Up to 70% off Scentsational Sale Items 20 Dec, 2024 Used 1 Time

Scentsational FAQs

ᐅ Where can I find a Scentsational discount code?

You will find plenty of Scentsational discount codes right here at Savoo. New promo codes for the beauty brand get released every month, including sitewide savings of up to 20% off. We currently have £18.57 active voucher codes for you to redeem a beauty discount.

Our team of money-saving experts brings you the latest discounts, voucher codes, and special offers, ready for you to redeem on your next fragrance order!

ᐅ Are Scentsational perfumes genuine?

Yes, all the perfumes and beauty products at Scentsational are 100% Genuine Guaranteed. Scentsational buys discontinued products straight from the original brand, then sells them to customers for a significantly reduced price. It’s a triple win: the brand sells a bulk batch of its discontinued products for profit, and Scentsational gets the products at reduced wholesale prices, meaning you pay less to transform your beauty routine.

ᐅ Do Scentsational offer an NHS discount?

No, Scentsational doesn’t currently offer discounts for NHS workers. However, you can find a range of money-saving deals on Savoo. Plus, products at Scentsational are almost below their RRP anyway!

ᐅ Can I use more than one Scentsational discount code at a time?

Unfortunately, you can only use one discount code per order at Scentsational. However, you can save the other promo codes for your next fragrance and beauty shopping spree!

ᐅ Can I return my Scentsational order?

Yes, you can. If you are unhappy with your haul, you can return it within 28 days. You will only be refunded the return fees if you return an incorrect, faulty, or damaged item. Any returned items must be unopened and unused to be eligible for a refund.

ᐅ Does Scentsational only sell perfumes?

No, it doesn’t. Although Scentsational is best known for its vast range of discontinued perfumes and aftershaves, it also sells skincare, haircare, and makeup favourites. With Scentsational, you can look and feel your best, no matter your budget.

How to Save More Money at Scentsational

Scentsational offers page banner - A selection of fragrances and scents

Our money-saving experts have searched high and low to help you get the best fragrances without breaking the bank. This not only keeps you smelling divine, but it also ensures your cash stays where it belongs - in your pocket.

Buy Gift Sets to Save

Browse through Scentsational's range of gift sets to save on premium beauty and perfume brands. Not only do these sets often come at a cheaper price than buying the products separately, but they also make the perfect, be it for a loved one or a treat for yourself. Plus, the added bonus? You don't need a Scentsational discount code to benefit from these bundles of joy.

Save with Basket Pop-Ups

Did you know that brands give you extra discounts if they’re worried you’re leaving? Add a couple of items to your bag, then view your full basket. Stay on the basket page for a few minutes, and sometimes, a pop-up will appear offering you a last-minute discount code to get a little extra off your Scentsational order.

Use the Filters to Find a Better Deal

Stay on budget by using the filter tool when shopping for skincare, haircare, perfumes, and aftershave. Head to the department of your choosing and use the filter tool on the right-hand side to eliminate any products out of your price range. You can also use the sorting tool to see the best-priced items first.

Free Buying Guides

Are you needing inspiration on your next Scentsational purchase? Check out the Scentsational blog to read free buying guides for Valentine’s Day, Christmas and Black Friday. Grab the best products at the best prices and put a smile on your loved one’s face without breaking the bank.

Scentsational brands image showing a selection of designer fragrances

How Do I Use My Scentsational Discount Code?

  1. Find the best Savoo discount code to bag yourself a handy deal.
  2. Click on the offer you want and click copy.
  3. Go through to Scentsational and start shopping.
  4. Add all the beauty goodies and discounted perfumes to your bag.
  5. Click on the bag icon.
  6. Below the items in your bag, click the button that says ‘Got A Discount Code’?
  7. Paste your offer code in the ‘Enter Offer Code’ box, then click ‘Apply’.
  8. Input your payment and delivery information.

Scentsational discount code box in the shopping bag

Recently Expired Scentsational Discount Codes & Deals

Up to 70% off Scentsational Sale Items
20% off Cyber Monday orders at Scentsational - Limited Time Only
Skincare from £4.95 at Scentsational
Gift Sets from £9.95 at Scentsational
Up to 70% off Black Friday Offers at Scentsational