20% off orders at Pipers Farm
- Includes Sale
10% off orders at Pipers Farm
- Includes Sale
Free Delivery at Pipers Farm
- Includes Sale
£5 off orders at Pipers Farm
- Includes Sale
Up to 15% off Pipers Farm Promos and Offers
Free Delivery on Your First order with Pipers Farm's Email Sign Up
British Red Mullet Fillets for £9.95 at Pipers Farm
£10 off Pipers Farm orders When You Refer a Friend
1000 Pipers Farm Points When You Refer a Friend
Sustainable Fish and Seafood from £4.95 at Pipers Farm
Free Packaging Returns at Pipers Farm
BBQ Meat from £2.30 at Pipers Farm
Earn Points with Pipers Farm Pipers Points
Gift Vouchers from £5 at Pipers Farm
New Arrivals from £2.95 at Pipers Farm
Christmas Items from £2.45 at Pipers Farm
Homeware Collection from £4.95 at Pipers Farm
Christmas Meat from £2.70 at Pipers Farm
Popular Pipers Farm Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
20% off orders at Pipers Farm | 17 Dec, 2024 | Used 3,814 Times |
10% off orders at Pipers Farm | 17 Dec, 2024 | Used 102 Times |
Free Delivery at Pipers Farm | 17 Dec, 2024 | Used 1,029 Times |
Up to 15% off Pipers Farm Promos and Offers | 17 Dec, 2024 | Used 65 Times |
Free Delivery on Your First order with Pipers Farm's Email Sign Up | 17 Dec, 2024 | Used 38 Times |
Pipers Farm FAQs
ᐅ Can I get a Pipers Farm Discount Code?
Yes, you will find all of the latest Pipers Farm discount codes at Savoo. Pipers Farm releases voucher codes throughout the year to reward their customers with a discount, free delivery or free gifts. You can save up to 30% by adding a Pipers Farm promo code to your food order, but don’t worry if there isn’t a code available when you want to place your order. We will also display the best sale discounts and details for this retailer so that you don’t miss out on a single saving.
ᐅ Is there a minimum order amount at Pipers Farm?
Yes, you will need to place an order that exceeds £30 for it to be accepted by Pipers Farm. Having the minimum spend in place allows Pipers Farm to cover the cost of their 100% recyclable packaging and subsidised delivery charge.
ᐅ Can I cancel my Pipers Farm order?
If you change your mind for whatever reason, you can cancel your Pipers Farm order 4 working days before your chosen delivery date. To cancel your order you will need to email: hello@pipersfarm.com or give them a call on 01392 881 380.
ᐅ How long do reward points last with Pipers Farm?
Pipers Points will be valid for up to 6 months. Redeeming your points is an easy process, and to get started you need to log in to your account before heading to their website to view your Pipers dashboard. It’s then simply a case of earning points and then converting your points into a voucher which can be applied at checkout within the Pipers Points reward section.
ᐅ How long can Pipers Farm meat be stored in the freezer?
Pipers Farm recommends that meat can be kept in the freezer for 6 months before the quality deteriorates.
ᐅ Are there Pipers Farm Black Friday deals?
Pipers Farm will have special prices available on selected meats during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday periods, so it’s definitely worth checking this page for the latest Pipers Farm Black Friday deals in November 2024.
How to Save Money at Pipers Farm
For over 30 years Pipers Farm have been producing the finest quality meat. They've been honoured with some of the countries top accolades including; BBC 4 Food & Farming Best Producer, The Times Best Butcher, The Independent Best Meat Box, 3 Great Taste Golden Forks, Great Taste Top 50 Best Products and over 40 Great Taste Awards. To save yourself some money on your next Pipers Farm shop, follow some of these top tips!
Rewards and perks
Get rewarded for your shop every time you place an order at Pipers Farm. Collect Piper Points to gain access to a whole host of exciting benefits which will help you get more for your money. There are plenty of ways to earn Pipers Points, but the easiest way is to shop as usual, and for every £1 you spend, you’ll get 2 points, so they will quickly add up. Bonus ways to earn points include referring a friend for 1000 points, 50 points for sharing on Facebook and 50 points for following on Instagram, plus you’ll get 100 points to celebrate your birthday. Once you reach 500 points, you’ll be sent a £5 discount code to spend on the store, or you could save up your points to spend on a bigger purchase and feed the whole family.
Free packaging returns
Do your bit for the environment and send all your packaging back free of charge. There are over 7000 Collect+ locations across the country, so all you have to do is find your nearest drop-off, collect a minimum of 5 orders and send it all back to Pipers Farm for reuse.
Bag a bargain with banner offers
Be sure to scan the banner offers in the black bar at the top of the home page where you’ll find all sorts of deals and discounts depending on the time of year. If you time it right, you may even be able to get some savings off your Christmas food shop, leaving you some spare change to spend on gifts.
Read the Journal
Learn more about where your meat comes from and the best things to cook with your order, how to choose the best pick of meat from your needs, and hear farming stories from the Pipers Farm blog. There is so much to explore in the ‘Journal’ that will help you get the most from your order and know exactly what to order next time.
How to use your Pipers Farm discount code?
- Find the discount code or deal that works best for you right here at Savoo
- Click ‘Get Deal’ and click ‘Continue to Pipers Farm’ to be redirected to their website
- Create your meatilicious order to your basket and click ‘Checkout Now’ once you’ve finished shopping
- Review your order and check the deal has been automatically applied
- If you have a discount code, paste the code into the discount code box later on in the checkout process
- Select your delivey options
- Click 'Checkout' to continue
- Enter your contact and shipping information to complete your order