Spring Sale: Up to 27% off Selected ASUS Items at Overclockers
Up to 70% off Overclockers Sale Items
Up to 10% off Overclockers Student Discount
Clearance Monitors from £128.76 at Overclockers
Student Offer: 5% off Refract Pre-built Gaming at Overclockers
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Special Offers and Discounts with Overclockers' Newsletter Sign Up
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Gift Cards from £20 at Overclockers
Popular Overclockers Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
Spring Sale: Up to 27% off Selected ASUS Items at Overclockers | 12 Dec, 2024 | Used 214 Times |
Up to 70% off Overclockers Sale Items | 12 Dec, 2024 | Used 9 Times |
Up to 10% off Overclockers Student Discount | 12 Dec, 2024 | Used 30 Times |
Clearance Monitors from £128.76 at Overclockers | 12 Dec, 2024 | Used 157 Times |
Student Offer: 5% off Refract Pre-built Gaming at Overclockers | 12 Dec, 2024 | Used 1 Time |
Overclockers FAQs
ᐅ How do I get the best Overclockers discount codes?
Get the best deals, offers and codes right here at Savoo. Our team searches the internet looking for the best Overclockers deals and coupon codes, so you can enjoy custom Gaming PCS and parts for less. Follow the brand on social media or sign up to their newsletter to get information directly from the retailer. Keep an eye out around the holidays and Black Friday, as Overclockers go big on sales.
ᐅ Can I return my Overclockers order?
Yes! If your Overclockers option isn’t for you, you can return it. If the product is not described as faulty or doesn’t meet your expectations, you can meet it within 30 days and get a full refund. You can also request a repair or replacement of the faulty product.
ᐅ Can I buy an Overclockers gift card?
Yes, you can buy gift cards ranging from £20 to £1,00000. Gift cards can’t be brought in conjunction with any other products, however multiple gift cards can be brought at the same time.
ᐅ Do Overclockers offer free shipping?
No, free delivery isn't a standard option, although special deals for free delivery do frequently appear. Head to the Deals section at the top of the page to see what free delivery options they currently have. If not, DPD and Royal Mail offer variable fees for next day, 2 day, and weekend shipping.
How To Save Money at Overclockers
Overclockers is a respected supplier of cutting-edge gaming hardware and accessories. You'll find the latest gaming laptops, PC parts, graphic cards and more for very competitive prices, backed by a market-leading customer service. Want to take your gaming to the next level? Read our tips on how to make huge savings at Overclockers.
Join The Affiliate Program
The Overclockers Affiliate Program is designed to give back to creators, gamers, and streamers. Earn money for recommending Overclockers. It's easy to use, with pre-made graphics available, a unique tracking link, and a dashboard to easily keep track of your earnings. Sign up via the Affiliate Program link at the bottom of the page.
Free Advice On The Blog
Get free advice on the best tech for your requirements and how to make the most of it by reading the Overclockers blog. Linked at the bottom of the page, they aren’t just focused on selling their products, but they also care about the well-being of their customers and frequently share articles about mental health.
Customised Products
Overclockers understand that there isn't a one size fits all when it comes to PCs, which is why they offer an extensive choice of bespoke solutions, including CPU, RAM. Save money having to constantly update your existing product with their range. Whether you want something small and discreet for work or a full system for a gaming fanatic, Overclockers offer a range of flexible, customisable options.
3 Year Warranty
Feel confident in the quality of your purchase thanks to their full three-year Collect & Return warranty including parts and labour. We recommend keeping the box and packaging in case a fault occurs.
If you want to upgrade your PC during this warranty period, you can also enjoy a free labour upgrade. The retailer will arrange everything, including pick up, repairs, tests and shipping with no added cost.
Sort By Price
See all the best Overclockers deals and lowest prices by using the many filters made available. Head to the product page of your choosing via the top menu and use the price filter on the left-hand side to choose exactly the price range that meets your budget. You can also select sale, bundle, or free gift options, allowing you to only see the best deals.
Alternatively, you can select by price descending on the top drop-down menu. You can also sort by popularity and newest. Never waste time scrolling through products that don’t fit in with your budget or requirements.
How do I use my Overclockers discount code?
- Pick an Overclockers coupon code to use from the Savoo website
- Click on the offer to reveal the discount code
- Copy it and click through to the Overclockers website
- Choose your tech and add it to your basket
- Head to your basket when you’ve finished shopping
- Paste the code in the voucher code box
- Click checkout
- Input your details and proceed to checkout