15% Off

15% off plus Free Delivery & Exclusive Planting Instruction at Lechuza

15% Off

Up to 15% off Accessories at Lechuza

15% Off

15% off Selected Christmas Planters at Lechuza

15% Off

15% off Plus Gifts with Lechuza's Newsletter Sign Up

Free Delivery

Free Delivery on orders over £30 at Lechuza

5% Off

5% off Lechuza Planter Sets

Top Tip

Free 30-Day Returns at Lechuza

Multibuy Deal

Free Interior & Garden Design E-book at Lechuza

Top Tip

3-Year Warranty at Lechuza

Multibuy Deal

Free Exclusive Gifts at Lechuza

Popular Lechuza Discount Codes

Discount Last verified Redemptions
15% off plus Free Delivery & Exclusive Planting Instruction at Lechuza 10 Dec, 2024 Used 93 Times
Up to 15% off Accessories at Lechuza 10 Dec, 2024 Used 12 Times
15% off Selected Christmas Planters at Lechuza 10 Dec, 2024 Used 1 Time
15% off Plus Gifts with Lechuza's Newsletter Sign Up 10 Dec, 2024 Used 34 Times
Free Delivery on orders over £30 at Lechuza 10 Dec, 2024 Used 1 Time

Lechuza FAQs

ᐅ Where can I find a Lechuza discount code?

Here at Savoo. If there’s a code available, we’ll find it for you. Simply use it when checking out and activate your discount right away.

ᐅ Does Lechuza have a sale on?

There are plenty of offers and pop-up deals on the website – take your pick! Why pay more when you can take advantage of these great deals today?

ᐅ Does Lechuza have a refer a friend scheme?

Yes – refer a friend and get 10% off most products. Plus your friend gets 10% off as well! Simply enter your email address to start referring.

ᐅ Does Lechuza offer bundle deals?

Browse the ‘planter sets’ offers to get more for your money. Don’t pay for one planter when you can get more at a great discounted rate!

ᐅ Do Lechuza products come with a warranty?

Yes, Lechuza planters come with a 3-year warranty for extra peace of mind. The company is confident that their products are of the highest quality. If anything happens during the three years, get your planters replaced for free.

ᐅ What are the advantages of creating a Lechuza customer account?

There are many benefits to having a customer account. Update your details with ease, view past orders, and create a wish list of all the planters and other products that you want to purchase in the future. An account will save you time and hassle and is especially useful if you are a regular customer.

ᐅ Can I get free Lechuza delivery?

Yes, you pay a penny for delivery if you spend over £30 on your order. Any order under this is £3.99, so it is worth trying to meet this free delivery threshold if you can. With many different planters available, you should make this threshold no problem. If not, take a look at some of the cheaper accessories available.

How to Save Money at Lechuza

Lechuza self-watering plant pot

Find planters, substrates and everything in between at Lechuza UK. Turn your home or garden into the tropical oasis you have always wanted with ease, without breaking the bank. The company always has Lechuza promo codes and Lechuza sales available to help you get the best quality planters at a great price.

Refer and save

Give your friends and fellow plant lovers 10% off their first order with a referral. Find the free referral button in the bottom left of the page, and enter your email and name to start the sharing process. Send out personalised invites to everyone you feel would benefit and let them enjoy their little reward.

Gifts for everyone

Click on the floating 'gifts for everyone' button at the bottom of the page to find all the current discounts and offers in one place. Get money off your next shop, find out more about the product warranty, learn how to get free delivery and more.

Rest assured with a 3-year warranty

Rest assured that your planters will stand the test of time thanks to the 3-year warranty that comes with every model. During this time, if your product has any materials or manufacturing faults, get in touch with the customer service team. The team will arrange a replacement for your planter quickly and efficiently.

Check out the homepage offers

Find limited-time offers and discounts on the homepage by scrolling through the banner as you enter the site. There are often multi-buy deals, offers on specific ranges, Lechuza coupons and delivery deals, so check here first before heading to the checkout.

Find the best planters for your home

Get a little help deciding what planters look best in your home in the inspiration section. Find out how best to spice up your home office, get design tips for large rooms, research gift ideas and get information on new product launches, all in one place. You will never waste money on planters that are not right for your needs, so check out the inspiration before you shop.

Get the most for your money with a planter set

There are all types of planter sets available - so matter if you want more than one planter or planters with accessories, you can find them all here. The price usually works out a lot cheaper than buying each item in the sets separately. Get everything you need to create a garden oasis in one affordable purchase.

How do I use a Lechuza discount code?

  1. Take a look at the Lechuza promo codes available at Savoo
  2. Pick the discount code that works for you
  3. Copy the code
  4. Go to the Lechuza website
  5. Add any planters you want to your basket
  6. Start the checkout process
  7. Paste the discount code into the box available
  8. Pay as normal

Screenshot of the Lechuza discount code box at checkout on the Lechuza website

Recently Expired Lechuza Discount Codes & Deals

Free Delivery on orders over £30 at Lechuza
Cyber Monday: Exclusive Deals at Lechuza
Black Friday: 15% off plus Free Delivery on Planters at Lechuza
10% off orders at Lechuza
12% off orders at Lechuza