20% off Full-Priced orders at Hawkers
- Supports Blue Cross
Delivery Discount on orders over £50 at Hawkers
- Supports Blue Cross
2 for 1 on Hawkers Xmas Promotion
- Supports Blue Cross
Special Offers and Discounts with Hawker's Email Sign Up
- Supports Blue Cross
Hawkers 2-Year Warranty
- Supports Blue Cross
Buy Now, Pay Later with Klarna at Hawkers
- Supports Blue Cross
Free Returns at Hawkers
- Supports Blue Cross
Popular Hawkers Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
20% off Full-Priced orders at Hawkers | 16 Dec, 2024 | Used 6,966 Times |
2 for 1 on Hawkers Xmas Promotion | 16 Dec, 2024 | Used 47 Times |
Delivery Discount on orders over £50 at Hawkers | 16 Dec, 2024 | Used 52 Times |
Special Offers and Discounts with Hawker's Email Sign Up | 16 Dec, 2024 | Used 118 Times |
Hawkers 2-Year Warranty | 16 Dec, 2024 | Used 60 Times |
Hawkers FAQs
ᐅ How can I get a Hawkers discount code?
Hawkers Discount codes are available right here at Savoo. You’ll find codes offering site-wide discounts such as 30% off. Sometimes Hawkers offers free delivery codes and free gifts! Plus, don’t forget to check out our top money saving tips when shopping at Hawkers.
ᐅ Does Hawkers offer free delivery?
Unfortunately not! Delivery costs depend on the item and location of the order, but you can find more information in clause 6 of the Hawkers terms and conditions.
ᐅ Which payment methods does Hawkers accept?
You can pay for your Hawkers order using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, Klarna, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Multibank and C.O.D.
ᐅ How can I contact Hawkers?
Contacting Hawkers is super easy! All you need to do is fill out the customer query form, or send an email to contact@hawkersco.com.
How to save money at Hawkers
Be a trendsetter with original designer sunglasses and watches from Hawkers. Whether you’re heading to work, hanging with friends or enjoying the sun on holiday, look your best with designer-style accessories at outstandingly affordable prices. Be sure you’re getting the most for your money with our thrifty budgeting tips for shopping at Hawkers.
Keep up to date on social media
Stay on top of all the latest news, styles and collections of sunglasses by following the company on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Not only will you find posts about new product releases and collections, but you’ll also spot limited time offers and flash sale notifications. Many flash sales only last a few days, so you won’t want to miss out on the chance to get some fab new shades at irresistibly low prices.
Watch out for promos you might have missed
Ready to pay? Before you do, make sure you haven’t missed any other great promotions. You can usually spot these on your shopping cart where a notification will appear letting you know if you could get another pair of sunglasses for free, or how much you need to spend to qualify for free shipping. Bag a last-minute bargain by checking you’ve made the most of all the latest offers on right now.
Buy with confidence thanks to the two-year warranty
Scratched your sunglasses? Watch running slow? No problem - all purchases come with a two-year warranty, so you can get your sunglasses fixed free of charge if anything goes wrong within the warranty period. Simply get in touch with the team to find out how to redeem your warranty and get your accessories repaired or replaced for free.
How do I contact Hawkers?
The FAQs page is full of useful information about tracking, delivery, returns, refunds, sizing and much more. If you still need to talk to the team, get in touch through the contact page to get some help.
How do I use my Hawkers discount code?
- Choose one of Savoo’s deals to see how much you could save on your order.
- Click ‘show deal, go to site.’
- Copy your code.
- You’ll be redirected to the Hawkers website to start shopping.
- Add some shades or a stylish new watch to your cart.
- Click on your shopping cart when you’re ready to pay.
- Click ‘buy.’
- Paste your code into the redemption box and click ‘apply.’
- Complete checkout.
- Check for your confirmation email - you’ll be trying on your new shades soon enough.