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Popular Function of Beauty Discount Codes

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20% off orders at Function of Beauty 15 Nov, 2024 Used 168 Times
20% Welcome Offer on Function with Benefits at Function of Beauty 15 Nov, 2024 Used 20 Times
Free Delivery on Subscription orders over £55 at Function of Beauty 15 Nov, 2024 Used 770 Times
20% off Function of Beauty Subscription orders 15 Nov, 2024 Used 599 Times
10% off orders at Function of Beauty 15 Nov, 2024 Used 6 Times

Function of Beauty FAQs

ᐅ Where can I find the latest Function of Beauty discount codes?

Find all the best Function of Beauty discounts and deals right here at Savoo.co.uk. Save big on your next hair care order when these unmissable deals - whether that's free delivery offers, seasonal sales and exclusive discount codes you won't find anywhere else.

ᐅ Is there a first order discount for Function of Beauty?

Yes - if you're new to the Function of Beauty game, try out a range of products for a little less to find what products works by signing up to their mailing list. Unlock 10% off your first order just from entering your email address.

ᐅ What is the Function of Beauty Happy Hair Guarantee?

If after trying your first order of custom shampoo at home it's not meeting your standards, make sure to let the team at Function of Beauty know! Reach out to us at hello@functionofbeauty.com with the details of your concern within 30 days and the team will do their best to address your needs.

ᐅ How does the Function of Beauty subscription plan work?

Become a Function Plus member to get ongoing deliveries of your favorite personalised formulas on the delivery schedule of your choice. Whether that's every month, 2, 3 or 6 months. This mean you're never run out of your new favourite hair care products. You also get exclusive perks from free shipping, access to exclusive and past limited-edition colors and fragrances, invitations to help test-drive new products, and more!

ᐅ Do Function of Beauty test on animals?

No - all Function of Beauty products are 100% vegan and cruelty-free! They are committed to creating products that use only safe, natural ingredients, wherever possible, and are continuously seeking new and environmentally-friendly ingredients. All of their products are free of sulfates, parabens, mineral oils, phthalates, and gluten, among many other ingredients.

How to Save Money at Function of Beauty

Function of Beauty shampoo bottles Lucious, healthy hair should be a reality for everyone no matter how small or large their budget. At Function of Beauty, there are plenty of ways for you to cut costs and get locks that dreams are made of for less.

Function of Beauty giftcards

Surprise someone special with gifting as unique as they are at Function of Beauty. Send a personalised gift set with extra goodies to really show you care. You set up shipping for a set day, whether that's a friends birthday, mothers day or a little Christmas treat for a special someone. Have a slightly fussier friend? Pick the gift card option to give the gift of good hair days but with the added extra of letting them pick their own products. Starting from just £35, the Function of Beauty gift card is the gift that keeps on giving.

Hair goals, inspiration and tutorials

Subscribe to the Function of Beauty YouTube channel for regular product reviews, professional haircare advice and much more! Discover all the best tips and tricks so you can reach your hair goals with ease. If that's not enough, have a read of the Function of Beauty blog for even more top hair care advice from why hydration is key and how to determine your hair type to the real reason that plooping is great for curly hair.

Take the quiz

Build your hair profile using the Function of Beauty quiz to find out exactly what products will work for you. Don't waste your time and money on products that won't help you achieve your best hair. Enter just a little about your hair such as the type, structure and scalp moisture levels and then select up to 5 hair goals you would like to achieve. Whether that's to fix your split ends, control your frizz or lengthen and strengthen those luscious locks - the quiz will then tell you exactly what products you need.

How do I use my Function of Beauty voucher code?

  1. Choose the offer you want to use
  2. Click on it to reveal the promo code
  3. Copy it. Follow through to the Function of Beauty website
  4. Take the quiz to find out your hair type
  5. Add your chosen products to your cart
  6. Paste the code in the promo box box
  7. Hit apply
  8. Checkout as normal

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