Up to 66% off Men's Sale at Fossil
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 53% off Women's Sale at Fossil
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 50% off Fossil Outlet Items
- Supports Blue Cross
15% off First order with Fossil's Newsletter Sign Up
- Supports Blue Cross
20% off for 2 Items Seasonal Offer at Fossil
- Supports Blue Cross
30% off for 3 Items or more Seasonal Offer at Fossil
- Supports Blue Cross
New Arrivals from £10 at Fossil
- Supports Blue Cross
Free Engraving and Embossing on Selected Items at Fossil
- Supports Blue Cross
Free Delivery on orders over £75 at Fossil
- Supports Blue Cross
Gifts under £100 at Fossil
- Supports Blue Cross
Gifts under £50 at Fossil
- Supports Blue Cross
Buy Now, Pay Later with Klarna at Fossil
- Supports Blue Cross
Free Returns at Fossil
- Supports Blue Cross
Popular Fossil Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
15% off First order with Fossil's Newsletter Sign Up | 20 Dec, 2024 | Used 391 Times |
Up to 66% off Men's Sale at Fossil | 20 Dec, 2024 | Used 104 Times |
Free Delivery on orders over £75 at Fossil | 20 Dec, 2024 | Used 90 Times |
20% off for 2 Items Seasonal Offer at Fossil | 20 Dec, 2024 | Used 1 Time |
30% off for 3 Items or more Seasonal Offer at Fossil | 20 Dec, 2024 | Used 1 Time |
Fossil FAQs
Where will I find a Fossil discount?
Find the latest Fossil discount codes and deals at Savoo.co.uk, and subscribe to Fossil’s email newsletter to make sure you’re always the first to know about exclusive deals and limited time offers. Plus, when you sign up for the newsletter you’ll get 15% off your first order.
Is there a Fossil outlet?
Yes there is. Shop in the outlet for up to a whopping 70% off a wide range of items, including everything from watches to bracelets to bags. Just click the ‘Outlet’ tab in the top navigation bar to head directly to the deals.
Does Fossil offer free delivery?
Yes, all Fossil orders are delivered completely free of charge, so you won’t have to worry about getting caught out by any last minute costs. Delivery takes four to six working days, although it may take one to two days longer if you ordered a personalised item.
Does Fossil do free personalisation?
Yes, all kinds of items on offer at the Fossil website are available for personalisation at no extra cost. Next time you’re searching through watches or bags, keep an eye out for labels like ‘Engrave Me’ or ‘Emboss Me’ to see which items are eligible for giving that extra personal touch.
What is the warranty on Fossil watches?
Fossil watches are covered by a two year warranty, meaning if your watch needs repairing or replacing due to a fault in its manufacturing, you can send it back and Fossil will repair it free of charge.
How to Save Money at Fossil
As one of the largest manufacturers and retailers of watches, jewelry, and accessories, the Fossil brand is renowned for the high quality of the products they’ve been producing for decades. We've discovered even more great ways you can save on your next Fossil order.
Watch care
Get the most out of your new watch and ensure it’s always in tip top competition with by following the free watch care guides available on the Fossil website. There are guides for all types of watch, so you can make your beautiful new timepiece look as good as new for as long as possible.
No matter what product you're buying or how expensive it is, make use of the free delivery service offered by Fossil. Your new timepiece will be delivered to you within 4 to 6 working days without you having to pay a penny for shipping. If you don't know if you'll be in to receive your order, choose the click and collect service at the checkout. Choose the most convenient Fossil Store and pick up your order at a time that works for you for free.
Turn your order into a one of a kind pieces, as many products are available to personalise free of charge. Embossing is always free of charge, so you won't pay a penny more than the original price of the product. Enter your text, font and font size and create a one of a kind gift, or even a little treat for yourself. All sorts of products can be personalised, so keep an eye on the product description to see what's available.
Gift sets
The only thing better than a gift is a gift set, and Fossil have plenty for you to choose from. Find the perfect gift set in the gifts section and get more for your money. There are all sorts of sets to choose from that work out a lot cheaper compared with if each item was bought individually, such as watches with multiple straps, jewellery sets and more.
How to use your Fossil discount code?
- Find the discount code or deal that works best for you right here at Savoo
- Click ‘Get Deal’ and click ‘Continue to Fossil’ to be redirected to their website
- Add the watch of your dreams to your basket and click ‘Checkout’ once you’ve finished shopping
- Review your order and check the discount has been automatically applied
- If you have a discount code, paste this into the promo box and hit 'Submit'
- Fill out your order contact information and 'Continue to billing'
- Fill out your billing information and complete your order