5% off orders with Economy Bookings' Newsletter Sign Up
Popular Destinations from £4.92 at Economy Bookings
Car Rental from £4.92 at Economy Bookings
Multi-Language Support at Economy Bookings
Top Car Rental Partner Agencies at Economy Bookings
Economy Bookings Car Types from £8.71 Per Day
Popular Economy Bookings Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
5% off orders with Economy Bookings' Newsletter Sign Up | 13 Dec, 2024 | Used 40 Times |
Car Rental from £4.92 at Economy Bookings | 13 Dec, 2024 | Used 2 Times |
Popular Destinations from £4.92 at Economy Bookings | 13 Dec, 2024 | Used 62 Times |
Multi-Language Support at Economy Bookings | 13 Dec, 2024 | |
Top Car Rental Partner Agencies at Economy Bookings | 13 Dec, 2024 | Used 3 Times |
Economy Bookings FAQs
ᐅ Where can I find an Economy Bookings discount code?
Discover Economy Bookings promo codes on the company's dedicated page at Savoo, your go-to for all things savings. The company doesn't often have a discount code available, but that doesn't mean they never do, so keep an eye out the next time you want to rent a car. We also fill the page with tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your booking. Based on previous activity, the most common Economy Booking discount code is 5% off.
ᐅ Can I purchase coverage with my Economy Bookings rental?
Yes, you can. One of the most popular options is the full coverage option, which comes with excess reimbursement, protection against damage to the rental car, protection against car theft, lost or stolen car keys, and protection for windows, mirrors, and wheels.
ᐅ What do I need to rent a car from Economy Bookings?
To book the car, you will initially need only your credit card. When it comes to picking up your car, ensure you have a few required items, including your passport, driving licence, credit card, and booking confirmation, to prove you have paid for the car.
ᐅ Will I have to leave a deposit with Economy Bookings?
Yes, you will. All car rentals require you to leave a deposit, and the amount will vary depending on the provider, car type, insurance and length of the rental period. The amount and information about when you will get your deposit back is listed under each rental car.
ᐅ Is there an age limit to rent a car?
Yes, there is, but the age limit depends on the supplier. Most suppliers will rent a car to those aged 21-70. If you are under 25, you will be charged a young driver fee, and if you are over 70, you may still be able to hire a car, but you will likely be charged a senior hire fee.
ᐅ Are there car rentals near me with Economy Bookings?
There is a good chance there are car rentals near you with Economy Bookings, as they can be found in over 20,000 locations worldwide. Use the search function to find cars in your desired location and see how many vehicles appear in your area.
How to Save More Money at Economy Bookings
Car hire can be a big expense that you have to add on to an already expensive trip, so Economy Bookings do what they can to make car rental as affordable as possible. They work with top car rental companies to bring you the best deal, and you can compare them side by side. On top of that, there is usually some form of Economy Bookings voucher code or discount available to help bring the price down further.
Get Expert Support
If you encounter any problems, let Economy Bookings take the stress away from you. From multi-language support wherever in the world you are to expert customer support by a team of professionals, Economy Bookings will hold your hand throughout your car hire experience.
Find the Right Car Hire
Economy Bookings works with many of the worlds best car hire companies, including SIXT, Alamo, Europcar, Hertz and tons more. Each company will have its own benefits, so Economy Bookings is a great comparison tool. For example, SIXT has an up to 30% discount when you book early.
How Do I Use My Economy Bookings Discount Code?
- Find the Economy Bookings discount code you want to use from Savoo
- Click on the code and copy it
- Go to the Economy Bookings website
- Start the search by entering the locations and dates
- Click on the promo code box
- Enter the code into the box that appears
- Hit the search button
- Book your cheaper car rental