40% off First Drinkwell Wine Orders Over £70
- Supports Blue Cross
10% off First order at DrinkWell
- Includes Sale
- Supports Blue Cross
50% off First Wine Club orders plus 25% off 2nd order at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
33% off First Club order at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
20% off First Wine orders over £69.99 at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 50% off DrinkWell Clearance Deals
- Supports Blue Cross
10% off Subscription orders at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
Special Offers and Discounts with DrinkWell's Newsletter Sign Up
- Supports Blue Cross
Up to 10% off Key Worker Discount at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
£15 off orders over £75 When You Refer a Friend at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
Free Delivery on orders over £85 at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
Low Carb Beer Advent Calendar for £59.99 at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
Delivery Fee from £6.99 at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
Earn Points and Redeem Rewards with Loyalty Points at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
New Offers from £6.49 at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
Accessories from £3.49 at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
Gift Cards from £10 at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
Free Delivery and More with Wine Club Subscription at DrinkWell
- Supports Blue Cross
Popular DrinkWell Discount Codes
Discount | Last verified | Redemptions |
40% off First Drinkwell Wine Orders Over £70 | 11 Dec, 2024 | Used 94 Times |
50% off First Wine Club orders plus 25% off 2nd order at DrinkWell | 11 Dec, 2024 | Used 114 Times |
33% off First Club order at DrinkWell | 11 Dec, 2024 | Used 409 Times |
Up to 50% off DrinkWell Clearance Deals | 11 Dec, 2024 | Used 301 Times |
Up to 10% off Key Worker Discount at DrinkWell | 11 Dec, 2024 | Used 135 Times |
DrinkWell FAQs
ᐅ Where can I find a DrinkWell discount code?
Find the latest DrinkWell discount codes and coupons right here on Savoo’s DrinkWell discount codes page. From exclusive savings on non-alcohol beer to multi-buy deals on white wine, we can help you make big savings on your low-calorie alcohol haul. Don’t forget to check out the clearance section of the DrinkWell website.
ᐅ How many calories can I save with DrinkWell’s products?
Most DrinkWell wine, beer and spirits have a minimum of 25% lower calories and up to 70% less sugar and carbs. They meticulously lab test all their products to guarantee all products are low calorie and healthy.
ᐅ Can I return my DrinkWell product?
If you want to return or exchange a purchase, email DrinkWell within 30 days. The item must be unopened and in original packaging. You will be responsible for paying for your delivery costs.
ᐅ What types of DrinkWell discount codes can I get?
Generally, DrinkWell discount codes tend to be site-wide offering discounts from 10-30% with no minimum spend. Sometimes, DrinkWell codes do have a minimum spend from £75-100, although this is rare. It is sometimes possible to find first order codes offering either 15% off or free delivery. Currently, there are 5 DrinkWell discount codes available.
How to Save Money at DrinkWell
Whether you’re looking to lower your calorie intake or kick the alcohol, DrinkWell can help without breaking the bank. Our experts have collected the best coupons and discount codes to help you make the biggest savings.
100% Satisfaction Bonus
DrinkWell is confident you will love every bottle you purchase - so they will replace or refund your bottle in full. The brand is so concerned that you are satisfied with the quality, so if you don’t like your order, they will resolve the issue, no questions asked.
Become an Affiliate
Earn 15% commission with every successful referral as an affiliate. You can earn if you have a sizable online network, social media following, blog or content website. They will give you all the linking and marking tools to help monetize your passion for DrinkWell.
Shop Now Pay Later
Treat yourself to premium low-calorie drinks before payday. Select Klarna during checkout, and you can pay for your order later in 3-interest free instalments. Pay the first instalment as your order and then the second 30 days later, and 60 for the last instalment.
Get Free Advice
Read the blog to get free advice. If you’re new to the world of healthy alcohol, you can learn from the free blog about the calories in wine and beer, as well as the best purchase for your needs. You can access the blog via the main page or the bottom menu. Alternatively, follow the brand on social media to learn more about the benefits of their healthy alcohol lines.
Sort By Lowest
If you’re in a rush and want to see the deals first, you can sort by price. Head to the product page you are looking for, and simply click Lowest Price from the drop-down menu in the right-hand corner. You can also filter by calories and brands via the menu on the left-hand side.
How do I use a DrinkWell discount code?
- Find a DrinkWell discount to redeem
- Click on the offer to access the code
- Copy the code
- Click through to the DrinkWell website
- Add your low-calorie alcohol to your basket
- Head to your basket when you’re ready to pay
- Paste the code into the 'discount code' box
- Fill in your information
- Checkout when complete