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£45 off Bookings at Cosmos Holidays

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50% off Single Supplement on Selected 2025 Cosmos Holidays Europe & North America Tours

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Up to 50% off Cosmos Holidays Deals

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Up to £700 off per Couple on 2026 USA and Canada Escorted Tours at Cosmos Holidays

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Up to £900 off per Couple Tours at Cosmos Holidays

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£500 off per Couple on 2025 USA & Canada Tours at Cosmos Holidays

Top Tip

Up to £225 Welcome Back Credit at Cosmos Holidays

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Up to £150 off Paris Tours at Cosmos Holidays

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£50 off 2 or More Cosmos Holidays Tours

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Up to £150 off The Best of Europe Tour at Cosmos Holidays

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£200 off Hawaiian Islands Tour at Cosmos Holidays

Top Tip

Worldwide Travel Planner at Cosmos Holidays

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£200 off The Lone Star State to the French Quarter Tour at Cosmos Holidays

Top Tip

Travel Gift Certificates at Cosmos Holidays

Top Tip

Explore Europe Tours at Cosmos Holidays

Top Tip

Special Offers and Discounts with Cosmos Holidays' Email Sign Up

Top Tip

Private Touring Offers at Cosmos Holidays

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Bookings with Tesco Clubcard at Cosmos Holidays

Top Tip

£50 Credit When You Refer a Friend at Cosmos Holidays

Top Tip

Cosmos Holidays Cruise Tours

Popular Cosmos Holidays Discount Codes

Discount Last verified Redemptions
£45 off Bookings at Cosmos Holidays 18 Dec, 2024 Used 49 Times
50% off Single Supplement on Selected 2025 Cosmos Holidays Europe & North America Tours 18 Dec, 2024 Used 1 Time
Up to 50% off Cosmos Holidays Deals 18 Dec, 2024 Used 1 Time
£500 off per Couple on 2025 USA & Canada Tours at Cosmos Holidays 18 Dec, 2024 Used 1 Time
Up to £700 off per Couple on 2026 USA and Canada Escorted Tours at Cosmos Holidays 18 Dec, 2024 Used 4 Times

Cosmos Holidays FAQs

ᐅ Where can I find the latest Cosmos Holidays voucher codes?

Right here at Savoo! Unlock unmissable holiday discounts, vouchers, and special offers ready to redeem on your next vacation booking. Discover huge savings on last-minute deals and group bookings. Alternatively, head to the Deals section of the website to see the best ways to save.

ᐅ Can I move my Cosmos Holiday booking for free?

Yes, you can! All 2022 travel bookings automatically come with a Peace of Mind Travel Plan at no added cost. This plan gives you the ability to move your holiday before departure to another destination, vacation, date, or brand without fuss. You don’t even need to supply a reason, and they won’t ask.

ᐅ How can I get in touch with Cosmos Holidays?

You can contact them by calling the team on 0333 0165 644, using the online contact form, or talking to an expert via their online live messaging services.

How to Save Money at Cosmos Holidays

Cosmos banner - river boat tour

Need to escape the dreary British weather? Cosmos Holidays have taken the fuss out of package holidays. Choose to see a range of stunning locations, including tours themed around Italian architecture, North American national parks, or African safari for less. Our team has scoured the net for the best thrifty tips to help you get more from your vacation.

Order a brochure

Click on the e-brochure link at the bottom of the page to access a free brochure. Simply input your contact details to get access to a high-quality brochure. The vacation planner will help you discover the best value date for your holiday and inspire you with high-resolution images of your dream destination.

Meals included

Some of your meals may be included in your Cosmos Holiday package, helping you save time and money. See individual itinerary pages for specifics about which meals come with your vacation.

Free guided sightseeing

Cosmos Holidays packages include free guided sightseeing and scenic highlights that allow you to see the best of the destination. Visit must-see sites with knowledgeable local tour guides who will bring each destination to life. The tour description will tell you which sightseeing trips come in your package deal.

Download the app for free

Download the free CosmosGo mobile app to make travelling hassle-free. You can use this app to check flight and accommodation information, review your itinerary and get shopping suggestions at your destination. It also has a built-in GPS navigation, allowing you to navigate your destination without a guide.

Book as a group

Eight or more travellers? Get in touch with Cosmos Holidays to access the best deals and discounts. They regularly run cheap group tour packages and experiences with the bonus of exclusive features. If you’re travelling in a group of 20 or more, you can enjoy a custom-made itinerary.

How to use a Cosmos Holidays discount code

  1. Find the offer from Savoo you’d like to use
  2. Click the deal to reveal the voucher code
  3. Copy the code using the copy button
  4. Follow the link to the Cosmos Holidays website
  5. Once you’ve chosen your holiday, click 'see dates & prices' for available options.
  6. Select your chosen dates and click choose flights and book where you’ll next reach the vacation planner page.
  7. Browse the initial details of your holiday and adjust the number of passengers and add additional nights if required.
  8. Once you reach the 'estimate' section, add your code in the 'do you have a promotional code?' box underneath your vacation estimate.
  9. Select 'apply' to redeem the savings
  10. Click continue and carry on with your booking, choosing flights and additional options.

Cosmos Holidays discount code box on the checkout page

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