By Bianca Mitchell


Support Big Issue Foundation for free this Christmas with Savoo!

We’re supporting The Big Issue for week one of our Christmas campaign 2022. From November 14th to the 20th we’ll donate 10% of our revenue on every discount code*. So no matter where you shop this week you’ll be helping Big Issue raise vital funds to carry on their essential work.

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Savoo supports The Big Issue Foundation

Support The Big Issue Foundation with Savoo

Now more than ever, charities need our help as inflation means donations are worth less than they used to, and household money squeeze due to the cost of living crisis means charities will be receiving fewer donations than usual.

Big Issue Group (which includes the Big Issue Foundation and the famous Big Issue magazine) is dedicated to helping the 14.5 million people that live in poverty in the UK: providing “social and economic opportunity" through several enterprises under the group. The enterprise you may be most familiar with is the Big Issue magazine. Magazine vendors buy the magazine from Big Issue for £1.50 and sell it at £3, keeping the profit “Changing lives through enterprise": Big Issue allows vendors to work for themselves and bring in an income.

We got in touch with Big Issue to ask about how the UK Cost of Living crisis has changed their outlook, and to find out more about the support their vendors need this Christmas.

Sign up to support The Big Issue Foundation

What should people know about Christmas 2022 for Big Issue?

This Christmas, every magazine counts more than ever. Big Issue vendors rely on magazine sales and subscriptions to get them through the cost of living crisis.

Demand for our service is rising as more vulnerable people living in poverty turn to the Big Issue Foundation for additional wrap around support in the face of soaring energy costs, cuts to Universal Credit and the rising cost of living.

Big Issue vendor
Image of a Big Issue vendors

Here at Big Issue Foundation, we are determined and committed to step forward to support those in need in the following ways:

  1. We will ensure our wrap around support: our Hand Up service, is equipped and ready to act and to support people when they need it most.
  2. Our trained outreach and case workers will connect individuals to essential resources and services.
  3. We will provide emergency grants where critically needed.
  4. Our wrap around support will expand to include an even greater focus on closing the digital gap for those in poverty, new interventions to accelerate access to mental health for those who need it, and a bigger push than ever in addressing fuel poverty and food shortage.

All it takes is your support. Buy, subscribe or donate to help a vendor weather the cost of living crisis.

What problems have you seen as a result of the Cost of Living Crisis?

The UK is facing one of its most challenging times for decades. The cost of living crisis is affecting us all and as is often the case, those who were already the worst off are struggling the most.

Almost 50% of Big Issue vendors are also primary carers for at least one child. 100% of the people and their families we support are facing poverty on a daily basis. Magazine sales remain down on pre-pandemic levels (around 40%) whilst vendors’ underlying housing, health and financial support needs have been exacerbated by disconnection from support networks and frays to what was an already fragile safety net.

Slump in sales in conjunction with soaring bills, and the current cost of living crisis are pushing vendors and their families into further poverty where in many situations families are having to choose between heating or eating.

Big Issue Vendor

What work are you doing this Christmas thanks to support and donations?

1. Fighting fuel poverty through our “Switched-On" pathway

Alongside many people, our vendors will be hit hard by the rises in household energy costs. To prevent fuel crisis and poverty we are scaling up our energy advice and support service nationally to ensure everyone we work with can get advice and guidance on managing household energy. We will ensure every vendor is able to wash in warm water, cook a warm meal and keep the lights and heating on in cold weather.

2. Accelerating access to mental health services through our “Compass" pathway

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a detrimental impact on the mental health of those we support, and this has been exacerbated by new stress caused by the cost of living crisis. Throughout the pandemic the single biggest increase in demand across our support pathways was for emotional support as vendors lost touch with their communities and networks and faced isolation. Far from this need reducing as the world has started to open-up, it has increased. Vendors are facing the challenge of re-building connections, while struggling to stay afloat financially as inflation increases.

A new, dedicated mental health support pilot ‘Compass’ has been launched to more rapidly identify both early and complex mental health needs and to facilitate access to the right care quickly. We are already seeing the impact of this new service and will roll out across the UK according to need and as income allows.

3. Closing the digital gap for those in poverty

Building on the 2021-22 foundation of a successful Big Issue wide initiative to equip 415 vendors to accept cashless payments for their magazine, and with support from Citi Foundation, October saw the rolling out of further digital skills coaching and peer support pathway, Connect.

This will increase the digital literacy of our vendors and ensure they are able to take full advantage of the benefits of being online, accessing health care, essential services, and products, managing money, and having the online skills to be able to thrive in the workplace. We will continue to support new vendors and those who are not yet ready to operate cashless to do so.

Our approach continues to be person-centred, place-based and peer supported. At every stage, the focus of our support is on facilitating individuals to better understand their world and how to navigate this to remain out of poverty in the long term.

Big Issue Christmas Volunteer

Big Issue’s message for its supporters this Christmas:

As the nights draw in, the temperature drops and Christmas draws closer the best gift we can give is kindness, particularly in these challenging times. We appreciate that many people in the UK are facing real hardship and understand the difficult position many people are in and we hope you are receiving any support you may need.

The cost-of-living crisis affects us all, but those already struggling will be most impacted by the soaring costs. From worries about heating homes and feeding children, to paying rent and dealing with financial pressures due to health issues, Big Issue vendors need more support than ever, this is why your support is especially important to us.

This Christmas, its more important than ever to do every little thing we can to help each other. A time to give what you can, even if it's a smile.

Thank you to all our supporters for their unwavering belief. It means so much to the Big Issue vendors who have taken those first steps to helping themselves.

From November 14th to the 20th Savoo will donate *10% of our organic revenue on every discount code to The Big Issue Foundation.

Come back next week for a new featured charity and all-new chances to raise money at no extra cost to you!

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decorative snow